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Business is not always easy, but some principles are simple

Cameron Finlay • May 22, 2019

To be better and to succeed, you really need to focus mainly on two areas.

1. Be very clear about the 2 or 3 things that actually increase your revenue (also called sales or turnover or income)

Most owners spend most of their time doing activities that simply do not grow the business, things like administration, meetings, handling customers.  All are necessary for a well functioning business but are not likely to increase how much money you make.

So, what does increase revenue?

Testing new marketing methods

- Split testing of current marketing methods (the detail, placement, offers, urgency, etc.)

- New product lines

- Contacting potential buyers

- Generating positive PR

- Systematically generating referrals

- Re-contacting former customers or old leads

Learning about business development systems.

It is necessary to be clear about the 2 or 3 activities that actually create more revenue for you, otherwise you could commit many hours to exercises that won't make much difference to Sales Income.  Of course, you need to test and retest to see what works best for you, and is also capable of being set up as a system.

2. Focus as much time as required weekly on those 2 or 3 things.

You now know the few activities that have been determined will increase your revenue.  But, there are so many demands on your time you can't get onto revenue generation.  Or, you 'major in minor things'.

Could you spend a day a week on new revenue generation activities?  It could mean having an assistant (make sure they have a list of what they should be doing so they are not always waiting for you for work), delegate some of your work to staff who can do that work (it could mean training, checking for a while, and getting regular reports to read when you receive them), or perhaps eliminate some of the 'busy work' (get rid of 'that's the way we always do it' if it has no significant value to operations.


That's it, only two steps.

Everyone is short of time from 'busyness'.  Learn to use your time more effectively, the result is likely to transform how much profit you make.

It's really basic:

- Get clear on the handful of activities that actually increase your sales.

- Focus obsessively on those areas, every week.

Yes, it is easy to say, and may be a little harder to do.  But, it is very, very possible that it will make a big difference in income and profit.

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